Fingers of mist stretched through rocky crag and stony peak against a dawn sky. In the chill morning air, a figure sat still and straightbacked, wrapped against these bitter heights in little more than a voluminous red shawl. Minute clouds of fogged breath were all that stirred; even his vision was sequestered behind half-closed eyelids. A breeze lifted, and a small sediment of pebbles gave way from the sod beneath him to clatter down a cliff face to a ravine below, where a long path wound up to a monastery some distance behind.

His eyes blinked into awareness, and he looked below to the path that ascended the ravine. A man walked steadily, clad in a familiar garment - his own coat of arms, those of the Dei family.

More than one year had passed since Manus Dei, scion of the Dei family, had retreated from the world and come to the holy mountain to learn the way of the gymnosophists, the naked sages who were masters not of the world, but of wisdom. Here his mind had been free of the concerns of public image, the machinations of diplomatic wrangling, the urgency to wring every drop of advancement from every situation. Most of all, here he was free of that bitter mistress, ambition.

The footsteps of the herald sounded in the gravel behind him. "Your Majesty, Manus Dei, ever our king".

Manus squinted. "There is no king on this mountain, Ellison. And I hope you don't want to play that game. It's such a long way down."

"I simply bring you news, sire. There are many good men who have done as many great things, and more. I only thought you would wish to know, Majesty."

Manus received a bundle of documents from the herald and began to look through them. His face was steady as he read, but within, emotion stirred. Statesmanship, leadership, even war- these were not always displayed merely to suit the purposes of vaulting ambition and vainglory. Some things came from a place of camaraderie, community, and friendship. There is also a glory of personhood that arises not for its own self-satisfaction, but from the individual who is pressed and draws it forth from himself in answer to that challenge.

That evening, the king penned the following letter to return with Ellison:

"Manus, by the grace of Sol Invictus, king of Hyperion, duke of Wessex, count of Elba, to all his warders and liege subjects, greeting.

The following decorations are to be awarded to the stated invididuals at a ceremony of familiar composition:

To the Chancellor of Wessex, Sir Rhygar ap Gwynn, baronet, we grant the Medal for Service to the Kingdom, which to him has been awarded for his keenness of insight, his shrewd perception of character, his clarity in matters of domestic upheaveal, his vigilance for Wessex values, and his steadfastness of purpose and position while occupying the position.

We award Sir Rhygar the Commendation Medal for his research and knowledge regarding feudal culture and traditional application thereof.

We award Sir Rhygar the Achievement Medal for his drafting of several documents during the preparation for Mortal Online, including the trial member test system, the introduction.pdf, and numerous spreadsheets that have aided organization.

Further, as a person who has acted as leader and regent of LSV, we do grant and induct him as a Knight of the Grand Order of the Solar Legion, making him the fourth member of that august company. Sir Rhygar is possessed of not only a broadly educated mind, but is also able to draw from it a temperament and insight that allows him to give pause and see more deeply than anyone else into the true nature of a situation. He is a man of the world, and can always be trusted to have the most pragmatic and even tempered perspective. That character trait allowed him to bring Wessex from the natural breakdown period after the high point of Darkfall, with its incidents of both bitterly passionate as well as despairing members, to its latter-day phases and involvements in
other games.

To His Grace, the Archbishop of Moh-ki, Malachi Drake, we award the Royal Award for Meritorious Achievement, specifically for his thorough and all encompassing work on the religion of Sol Deus as an iteration for Mortal Online of the traditional Lumen Solis Victrix theme sacred to Hyperion.

We also award the Reverend Archbishop with the Medal for Service to the Kingdom for his longstanding work in diplomacy in the game Mortal Online.

And finally, as Lord Malachi Drake has been one of those to occupy the position of leader of LSV, we grant and induct him as a Knight of the Grand Order of the Solar Legion, making him the fifth member of that august company. Lord Malachi's leadership in Mortal Online led to the flourishing of Wessex as a territory in the southeast of that world map, and his particularly diplomatic style of leadership as bishop and then as archbishop led to the formation of the Kingdom of the Brood Isles, a nation that would have been the largest then existing in the gameworld, had he not decided to yield it up in favor of the preservation of the fun and interests of Wessex members. These achievements - not only by the merit of his talent for creation and politics, but to go the extra step of letting them go for the even higher purpose of care for Wessex membership, mark him as a particularly oustanding Solar Legion Honoree.

To Sir Kaylem Sothenic, Knight Bachelor and Governor of Wessex Colony, we award the Royal Award for Meritorious Achievement for his securing for Wessex a perfect and remarkable place in the game of Mortal Online, and his work with the Mortal Online community through both the forums and the developers.

We also award Sir Kaylem with the Medal for Service to the Kingdom for his leadership and organization of the Wessex military during the time he occupied the position of Constable, and for the leadership presence he has continued to volunteer for, including his current leadership in Darkfall.

We award Sir Kaylem an Achievement Medal for his work in organizing the garrison in preparation for Mortal Online.

To the Right Honorable Lord Brando de Medici, Doge of Aquileia, we award the Distinguished Star of Valor for his successful campaign to conquer the island of Yssam in Darkfall.

To Laylah Sothenic, Mistress of Heralds, we award the Medal for Service to the Kingdom for her thorough research into heraldry, going beyond the call of her position, as well as her persistent and thorough moderation of the forums.

We also award Lady Sothenic an Achievement Medal for her work in establishing diplomatic relations in the world of Mortal Online.

To Duncan Blackmoor, Chamberlain of Wessex, we award the Medal for Service to the Kingdom for his creation and upkeep of the Blackmoor Trading League, as well as his constant research into, improvement, and not to mention resource collection efforts for weapons for the Duchy in Mortal Online.

To Raize Sothenic, we award an Achievement Medal for his work in creating spreadsheets and other documents to aid in administration of Wessex for Mortal Online.

We also award Raize a Commendation Medal for his knowledge regarding feudal culture and application thereof, as well as his insistence on pragmatism in all of the Cabinet's dealings.

To Sir Bastor Sharpeye, Constable of Wessex, we award the Combat Medal for his excellence in combat throughout the Mortal Online campaign. His tactical knowledge and strategic prowess has also frequently allowed Wessexian forces to defeat superior numbers.

We also award Sir Bastor an Achievement Medal for his continuous efforts to acquire and tame horses for all mount requiring members of the Wessex military.

To the gentleman Mr. Chrono Veincrusher we award the Distinguished Star of Merit for the frequent and crucial work he must often do as administrator of the Wessex forums, particularly in resuscitating them, salvaging lost member accounts, or repairing database corruptions. These painstaking hours mark a major sacrifice of time and effort, which we recognize and for which we are extremely grateful.

To the gentleman Setles Drake, clerk of the ducal court, we award the Commendation Medal for his aid and contribution in the administration of Wessex.

To Serjeant Delvar Vardel we award a Commendation Medal for his leadership in battle and his unwavering willingness to aid in any endeavor.

To Elagost Thego, Priest of Sol and Vicar of Wessex, we award a Commendation Medal for his work as an administrator as well as for his leadership in Mortal Online, particularly with regard to the Church.

To Serjeant Malathion Valus, we award a Commendation Medal for his assumption of the management of day to day activities in the world of Mortal Online.

To Levald Aurelius, pursuivant, we award an Achievement Medal for his outgoing role in diplomatic efforts.

We also award Levald a Brass Cross for his work against thieves in Moh Ki, as well as his generosity with aid and items to his fellow countrymen.

To Wooster Redwood, reeve of the ducal court, we award the Achievement Medal for his thorough ministrations in the Duchy's tax collection, treasury management, and donation records.

We also award Wooster a Commendation Medal for his contributions toward resource collection and building, as well as research into the methods of craftsmanship in the world of Mortal Online.

To Mikhal Altus, sheriff of Wessex, we award the Achievement Medal for his collection of taxes from renters on duchy land, both foreign and domestic.

To Effen Kortaan, our loyal villein, we award the Achievement Medal for his aid in defending travellers and shepherding the lost.

To Serjeant Harkonen Thorodan we award the Achievement Medal for the impressive amount of mounts, including the rare and hard to find Bull Horses & Molva beasts, that he has tamed himself and provided to the members of the Duchy at great personal risk in the game of Mortal Online.

To Mr. Otto Osterwind, Esquire, we award the Combat Medal for the many successful patrols organised and initiated across the lands of Nave as well as the neutralizing and ridding of enemy forces such as BRB and AQ. He achieved all this done with a very small number of casualties and losses. This also includes the abundant amount of sparring, duels, drills and trainings that he has created and lead with excellence.

For his post and research regarding combat changes after a Mortal Online patch, we award Mr. Otto the Achievement Medal.

To Serjeant Karsa Orlong, we award an Achievement Medal for the insight that he has shared in relation to routine garrison patrol as well as operations including the mount stamina regeneration cycle that is now common practice within the Duchy in Mortal Online.

To Brother Kaideline Taitharn we award an Achievement Medal for his willingness to assist his fellow subjects in any way that he can. It is said of Kaidelin that no task is too great or to small. The stories and attitude of Kaidaline have bolstered those around him and has made everyone feel welcome.

To our villein Garadin Alwhindale we award a Combat Medal for exceptional displays of teamwork, martial skill and courage, even whilst being outnumbered by a superior force.

To Brother Twyster Stronngust we award a Combat Medal for numerous displays of leadership both on and off the battlefield that have been of great service to the Duchy.

To Serjeant Zehtuka Fireglore we award the Iron Cross, for his significant investment of a considerable amount of time and effort, and personal expense, in developing several armour sets that are lightweight, functional and offer superior protection to support the various needs of the Duchy. In addition he has worked tirelessly and efficiently to keep everyone equipped in the world of Nave.

We also award Serjeant Zehtuka a Combat Medal for numerous displays of leadership both on and off the battlefield that have been of great service to the Duchy.

Make it so.
