You all forget that Kreager Stonewall is still a Freeman to His Majesty, Manus Dei, above all else. Though he may be a member of another Guild within game, his priorities are to uphold the Duchy of Wessex above all else, and so we should not consider him as separate from the other Guild Priorities.

Until such time as the unthinkable happens and Freeman Kreager Stonewall goes against the Duchy of Wessex in-game, we should consider him as part of the Guild. He is a citizen of our great community, even if we don't agree with his membership in RPK.

Trade is a great avenue for talks between groups that normally dislike one another. This is why Trade Embargoes usually make things worse, and why I will not be trade embargoing anyone, unless at utmost need, or to defend our own Duchy of Wessex and her allies.